The Invitatory: Venite adoremus
Prepare Thy Soul One might say that, in the structure of monastic Vigils, Psalm 3 (see my previous entry) corresponds to the porch of the...
In the School of the Lord’s Service
Food for the Soul Over the past several weeks I have been reading two fascinating and inspiring biographies by Dom Guy-Marie Oury, O.S.B. The first...
At the service of all those touched by grace
The Suitable and the Unsuitable There is much discussion in ecclesiastical and monastic circles about the discernment of vocations. One gets the impression, at times,...
Ut gaudium meum in vobis sit
At Today’s Second Nocturn This is what I read at the Second Nocturn of Matins this morning. It is a good example of what gives...
Quaerere Deum
Pope Benedict XVI Collège des Bernardins, Paris 12 September 2008 The Holy Father’s discourse today at the Collège des Bernardins (a familiar way of referring...