The Desert of the Most Holy Sacrament
This painting of Christ in the wilderness is the work of Alessandro Bonvicino (1498–1554), know as the Moretto da Brescia. It is found in the...
More About Lectio Divina
I realized, after I spoke to the fine priests of the Archdiocese of Armagh on Monday evening last, that there was much more that I...
To be nothing and to await all from God
This text of Mother Mectilde is very fitting for today’s feast of Saint John Cassian. My own commentary is in italics. The image of Mother...
Tunc dixit: Ecce venio
CHAPTER XXXIII. Whether Monks Ought to Have Anything of Their Own 11 Mar. 11 July. 10 Nov. The vice of private ownership is above all...
Let their healing redound to the glory of God
People burdened with sufferings of all sorts often come to the monastery to ask for our prayers. I often recommend enrolling the sick, the burdened,...