Those Noble Hymns
Those noble hymns, which had solaced anchorites on their mountains, monks in their cells, priests in bearing up against the burden and heat of the...
And Yet That Wounded Side Sheds Grace
The hymn at Vespers of Christ the King evokes both the feast of Corpus Christi and that of the Sacred Heart. This is consonant with...
Aures habent et non audient
What is Useless “A Church which only makes use of ‘utility music’ has fallen for what is, in fact, useless. She too becomes ineffectual. For...
Father Schmemann on Masses in Yankee Stadium
When I first read The Journals of Father Alexander Schmemann, 1973-1983, about eight years ago, I was struck by Father Schmemann’s commentary on the Masses...
The Votive Mass of Saint Joseph
On this first Wednesday after the Octave of the Epiphany, I will celebrate a Votive Mass of Saint Joseph. (Votive Masses are celebrations in honour...