Blessed Schuster’s Daily Thoughts on the Rule: Ember Friday in Lent
Ember Friday of Lent Station at the Holy Apostles The Pool of the Sheep 1. The station is at the Apostoleion [Basilica of the Apostles]...
Salva Nos: Perimus (Save us, we perish!)
Christ Calms the Storm The Mass propers for today are taken from the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany. When Easter is early, these propers are moved...
Brother Maurus, run fast!
Maurus Rescues Placid from the Waters In Chapter VII of the Second Book of the Dialogues, Saint Gregory the Great recounts the most famous episode...
Tu Rex gloriae, Christe
The Sunday Before All Saints In the traditional calendar of the Roman Rite, the Feast of Christ the King, instituted by Pope Pius XI in...
Laetare, Jerusalem!
Like a Breath of Springtide “Be glad, Jerusalem! Hold an assembly, all you that love her: rejoice and be glad, you that were in sadness:...