Maria Santissima del Bagno
Last night’s festivities in honour of la Madonna del Bagno began with Holy Mass at 7:00 p.m. The Father Guardian of the Franciscan Solitude of...
Festa di San Marcellino, Sacerdote e Martire
June 2nd is the feast of Saint Marcellino, priest and martyr, the very one named in the Roman Canon. San Marcellino fills Piedimonte d’Alife with...
Benedict XVI at Saint Mary Major
My Musings Returning to Sepicciano, where the church bells ring out the quarter hour and the parish church is truly the heart of the village;...
Tornato a Sepicciano
How can I express the joy that I feel here? I arrived yesterday afternoon in the ancestral home of my great-grandmother in Sepicciano, Piedimonted’Alife. The...
Saint Giovan Giuseppe della Croce
I almost forgot that today is the feast of Saint Giovan Giuseppe della Croce. A Family Connection My mother’s grandmother was born and raised in...