Category: Homilies


Homily, First Day of Retreat to Priests of the Diocese of Galway Knock Shrine, Co Mayo Monday, 8 May 2017 Having heard these things, they...

The earth hath yielded her fruit

We are in the harvest–tide of the Kingdom of God: the good seed sown by the Divine Sower in the field of the Church has...

Higher, Sir Priest!

Here is the homily I preached today, on the feast of Saint Charles Borromeo, to members of the British Confraternity of Catholic Clergy at Aylesford...

Quae sunt Dei Deo

22nd Sunday after Pentecost Today, in Rome, even as I speak, seven new saints are being canonised: José Sánchez del Río, a fourteen year-old boy...

Thy word to thy servant

In yet another instance of the liturgical providence of God, today’s Collect dovetails with the passage from the Holy Rule that we read this morning...