Category: Homilies

In Laudem Gloriae Eius

FRIDAY OF THE TWENTY–EIGHTH WEEK OF THE YEAR II Ephesians 1:11–14 Psalm 32:1–2, 4–5, 12–13 (R. 12b) Luke 12:1–7 Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity, a...

Saint Luke: A Gospel of Icons

OCTOBER 18 SAINT LUKE, EVANGELIST 2 Timothy 4: 10-17a Psalm 144: 10-11, 12-13ab, 17-18 (R: cf. 12) Luke 10:1-9 The Evangelist Saint Luke comes to...

Frumentum Christi Sum

Frumentum Christi sum, dentibus bestiarum molar, ut panis mundus inveniar. I actually sang part of my homily this morning. Yes, I did. I couldn’t help...

Dextrae Dei Digitus

FRIDAY OF THE TWENTY–SEVENTH WEEK OF THE YEAR II Galatians 3:7–14 Psalm 110:1–2, 3–4, 5–6 (R. 5b) Luke 11:15–26 The Finger of God “If it...