Category: Homilies

23 December, O EMMANUEL

Murillo’s painting of the Infant Christ distributing bread to pilgrims is an invitation to consider the mystery of the Eucharist, God–With–Us, the Child of Bethlehem,...

Ave, gratia plena

Deus, aeterna maestas. cuius ineffabile Verbum, Angelo nuntiante, Virgo immaculata suscepit, et, domus divinitatis effecta, Sanctus Spiritus luce repletur, quaesumus, ut nos, eius exemplo, voluntati...

Quid ergo faciemus?

Third Sunday of Advent C Luke 3:10-18 Philippians 4:4-7 Isaiah 12:2-6 (Responsorial Psalm) Zephaniah 3:14-18 A Prophet All Ablaze Today’s gospel begins rather abruptly. John...