Category: Homilies

Et ero custos tuus

Genesis 28:10-22 I Will Be Thy Keeper For all who, like the patriarch Jacob, journey, and seek, and dream, there is a message of hope...

When the Kingdom of God Comes Nigh

Isaiah 66:10 – 14 Galatians 6:14 – 18 Luke 10:1 – 20 Joy and Thanksgiving Today’s Holy Mass invites us to joy and to thanksgiving:...

Envy, An Ugly Sin

Thursday of the Twelfth Week of the Year I Genesis 16:1-12, 15-16 The painting of Hagar in the wilderness is by Giovanni Lanfranco. It hangs...

And He Arose

Monday of the Seventh Week of the Year I Mark 9:14–29 A Tormented Child Today’s Gospel recounts the deliverance of a boy tormented by an...