Et ero custos tuus
Genesis 28:10-22 I Will Be Thy Keeper For all who, like the patriarch Jacob, journey, and seek, and dream, there is a message of hope...
When the Kingdom of God Comes Nigh
Isaiah 66:10 – 14 Galatians 6:14 – 18 Luke 10:1 – 20 Joy and Thanksgiving Today’s Holy Mass invites us to joy and to thanksgiving:...
Envy, An Ugly Sin
Thursday of the Twelfth Week of the Year I Genesis 16:1-12, 15-16 The painting of Hagar in the wilderness is by Giovanni Lanfranco. It hangs...
The Mercy of God in the Face of His Christ
Saturday After Ash Wednesday The Voice of Mercy While we are yet on the threshold of Lent, Christ Jesus, the incarnate Mercy of God, passes...
And He Arose
Monday of the Seventh Week of the Year I Mark 9:14–29 A Tormented Child Today’s Gospel recounts the deliverance of a boy tormented by an...