Category: Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar

An Intercessor for Priests

Blessed Marie de Jésus Deluil–Martiny Yesterday, 27 February, was the dies natalis and liturgical memorial of Blessed Marie de Jésus Deluil Martiny. Born to upper...

Act of Reparation in Advent

Laudetur sacrosanctum et augustissimum Sacramentum in aeternum. My God and my Saviour, Jesus, true God and true Man, worthy Victim of the Most High, Living...

Only God Can Thank God for God Worthily

Thanksgiving originates in the heart of the Son who, from all eternity is begotten of the Father and who, receiving Himself from the Father, in...

More About Lectio Divina

I realized, after I spoke to the fine priests of the Archdiocese of Armagh on Monday evening last, that there was much more that I...

And of his fulness we all have received

Today, Saint Gregory Nazianzen speaks to us of the great remedy of the Incarnation. It is in the adorable mystery of the Most Holy Eucharist...