Pope Benedict XVI on Saint Tarcisius, Martyr
In our proper Benedictine calendar, today is the feast of Saint Tarcisius, martyr of the Most Holy Eucharist. Pope Benedict XVI spoke of Saint Tarcisius...
Sit laus plena, sit sonora
A Meditation for Corpus Domini Remember all the desert way through which the Lord your God has brought you: forty years of willful wandering. Remember...
Sic in sancto apparui tibi
So in the holy place, I contemplate thee. Psalm 62:3 Silence of the Sacred Host, pervade me. Hiddenness of the Sacred Host, envelop me. Humility...
Corpus Domini
Hail, Festival Day! Hail, Day of Sion’s sweetest hymns! Hail, Day of timeless adoration! Hail, Day of lavish jubilation! Hail, Day of our most fragrant...
Adoro Te Devote
Yearning, I adore you, wondrous hidden God, Bread of Life by bread concealed, speaking heart to heart. Give me now the faith that sees darkly...