Wednesday in the IX Week after Pentecost
From a Homily by St John Chrysostom, Bishop & Doctor of the Church Truly, the just man is bold as a lion; for he stood...
The blessed Elias: a type of the Saviour
From a Sermon by St Augustine, Bishop & Doctor of the Church Brethren dearly beloved, in the Lessons which are now being read to us...
The Annunciation
The First and Indispensable School of Holy Preaching Reading this sermon of Pope Saint Leo the Great, given for Matins of today’s feast in the...
Now begin the mysteries
This morning at Matins, we had this magnificent sermon of Saint Augustine from the Treatise on John: Jam incipiunt mysteria. Non enim frustra fatigatur Jesus:...
Pope Saint Gregory to the Pastors of Souls
The Great Judgment Let us call to mind that dreadful day when the Judge shall come, and shall call to account His servants, to whom...