Letter to a Brother Priest
Dear Father X, You asked me the other day to write something that would encourage you to be faithful to your daily Eucharistic adoration. Here...
Where our paths converge
Learn From the Saints Yes, Our Lord would have you learn from His saints. It is good to study the saints and receive their teachings....
Adorers of the Eucharistic Face of Jesus
A Thursday of Adoration and Reparation For the very first time, our embryonic monastery observed the Thursday of Adoration and Reparation for Priests. Being three,...
Hide Not Thy Face From Me
Pray the Chaplet Another form of prayer suitable for the Novena of the Holy Face is the Chaplet of the Eucharistic Face of Jesus. Pray...
Novena of the Holy Face of Jesus
A Day Rich in Graces • Today, February 15th, is Sexagesima Sunday. In Rome the stational church is the Basilica of Saint Paul-Outside-the-Walls. This is...