Category: Church Life

Avery Cardinal Dulles (1918-2008)

Cardinal Dulles died this morning, on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The following lines written in 1946, and already marked by profound humility...

We Are Thine and Thine We Wish to Be

“We institute the Feast of the Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ to be observed yearly throughout the whole world. . . . We further...

Prophetic Words of Pope Pius XI

Pope Pius XI promulgated this text on December 11, 1925, in the Encyclical Quas Primas, instituting the feast of Christ the King. Read it, if...

My Name is Thomas Aquinas

An Amazing Story Madrid, Nov 12, 2008 / 09:21 pm (CNA).- The Spanish daily “La Razon” has published an article on the pro-life conversion of...