The Name by Which We Are Saved
Homily for 5 January 2025 Most Holy Name of Jesus Non est in alio aliquo salus, nec enim aliud nomen est sub caelo datum hominibus,...
Thy Name and Thy Countenance
O God, Who didst constitute Thine only-begotten Son the Savior of Mankind, and didst bid Him to be called Jesus: mercifully grant, that we who...
The Very Little One
This morning’s Second Reading at Vigils was from the wonderful Christmas Sermons of Blessed Guerric of Igny (+1157), one of the Four Evangelists of the...
The Human Face of Divine Mercy
Look closely at this painting (1488) by Bartolomeo di Giovanni; it was commissioned for the Hospital of the Innocents in Florence. The six-sided altar at...
Act of Consecration to Jesus, King of Love
This morning, following the blessing of the statue of Jesus King of Love at the end of Holy Mass, we made the following Act of...