Category: Blessed Virgin Mary

Bravissimo, Maestro Bocelli!

I just had to translate this interview with Andrea Bocelli for the readers of Vultus Christi: Maestro, we are in Advent, a Marian time par...

A Mother Ever-Virgin

O SAPIENTIA Genesis 49:2, 8-10 Psalm 71: 1-2, 3-4ab, 7-8, 17 Matthew 1:1-17 The Wondrous Exchange O God, Creator and Redeemer of human nature, who...

Mary Rose Up in Haste in Those Days

Our Lady in Advent The presence of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the liturgy of Advent is like the fragrance of roses in December. Our...

A Marian Grace Sweeping Through the Church

On December 8th, His Eminence Ivan Cardinal Dias, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, opened the Jubilee Year of Lourdes. His homily...