Akathist to Our Lady of Lourdes
The Akathist to Our Lady of Lourdes is the work of a faithful servant of the Mother of God belonging to the Ukrainian Church. Traditionally,...
With few and reasonable words (VII:11)
8 Feb. 9 June. 9 Oct. The eleventh degree of humility is, that when a monk speaketh, he do so gently and without laughter, humbly,...
Into the Silence of the Mother of God
The Seven Utterances of the Mother of God It is rarely noted that the Seven Utterances of the Mother of God are given us in...
By the help of His grace (Prologue 6)
6 Jan. 7 May. 6 Sept. Since then, brethren, we have asked of the Lord who is to inhabit His temple, we have heard His...
Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising? (Prologue 1)
PROLOGUE OF OUR MOST HOLY FATHER SAINT BENEDICT TO HIS RULE1 Jan. 2 May. 1 Sept Hearken, O my son, to the precepts of thy...