Category: Blessed Virgin Mary

Into the House of the Lord

Our Lady in the Temple The solemn dedication of the Church of the Mother of God near the Temple in Jerusalem took place on November...

Audiens, orans, pariens, offerens

Marialis Cultus Among the teachings of Blessed Pope Paul VI, the Apostolic Exhortation, Marialis Cultus (2 February 1974), is remarkable for its contribution to a...

Into the Garden of the Rosary

Telling One’s Beads Over Saint Luke’s Gospel I have always thought the Rosary a particularly Lukan prayer. So many of the mysteries are drawn from...

The Boy who Saw the Mother of God

“How beautiful God is, how beautiful! But He is sad because of the sins of men. I want to console Him, I want to suffer...

Envelop this island on all sides

We beseech and pray thee, holy Mary, to accept today the total and irrevocable consecration of Ireland to thy maternal and immaculate Heart.  Let the...