Man ate the bread of angels
Wednesday of Pascha Come, you blessed of my Father, receive the kingdom, alleluia prepared for you since the foundation of the world, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia...
Coming to fulfil what is written of me
The Annunciation in the Mectildian Jubilee Year By a wonderful and mysterious disposition of Divine Providence, Mother Mectilde de Bar received permission for the first...
The only spotless priest without sin
The Proper Mass of the Feast of Reparation for Offenses Committed Against the Most Holy Sacrament (Thursday after Sexagesima) contains the following beautiful Preface: It...
A Lover of the Pierced Heart of Jesus
Blessed Marie de Jésus Deluil–Martiny Today, besides being, in our monastery, Feast of Reparation for Offenses Committed Against the Most Holy Sacrament, is also the...
The Webcam in the Sanctuary
Adoration and Adoration I should like to respond to a number of queries concerning the practice by which pious individuals gaze at a webcam image...