On the Solemnity of Thursday, Part II: Sons of the Host
We at Vultus Christi are gradually going through Mother Mectilde’s conference ‘On the Solemnity of Thursday’. The conference was originally published in The Mystery of...
Omni tempore silentium debent studere monachi (XLIII)
CHAPTER XLII. That no one may speak after Compline 21 Mar. 21 July. 20 Nov. Monks should love silence at all times, but especially during...
At Silverstream Priory
His face was as it were hidden (VII:1)
CHAPTER VII. Of Humility 25 Jan. 26 May. 25 Sept. The Holy Scripture crieth out to us, brethren, saying: “Every one that exalteth himself shall...
Seek first the kingdom of God and His justice (II:7)
15 Jan. 16 May. 15 Sept. Above all let him not, overlooking or under-valuing the salvation of the souls entrusted to him, be too solicitous...