On Holy Preaching
Something on holy preaching for the feast of Saint Vincent Ferrer:
Preach, O messenger of the Word,
not to make a name for yourself,
but to glorify the Name of Jesus
and to make known the treasures of His Heart.
Rely not on yourself,
but on the Consoler,
the Advocate sent by Christ
according to His promise.
He who preaches in the power of the Holy Spirit
touches the hard-hearted
and draws souls to Christ’s pierced side.
Dismiss all anxiety and fear;
the spawn of self-love
and of the need to win for yourself favour and acclaim.
Fear not failure,
only abandon yourself to Christ,
and He will speak through you.
He will sustain your every word
with the Spirit of Truth,
and of Light,
of Forgiveness, and of Glory.
Preach in the company of the most holy Mother of Jesus,
just as Peter, and John, and James preached in her presence,
certain of her prayer for them,
and casting themselves upon it.
Preach simply, as if in a holy conversation,
unless the grace is given you from above
to preach a hymn of praise
to the love of Christ
displayed in all His mysteries.
Pray, and you will preach well.
Prayer, by obtaining grace, perfects nature.
Prayer transforms the reluctant stammerer
into a messenger of the Most High.
Prayer brings down rays to illumine the mind,
and fire to set cold hearts ablaze.
Know that, of all your prayers,
the rosary best prepares you for holy preaching.
Being a humble prayer, it is the undoing of your pride.
The rosary purifies the heart of the residue of your sins.
It opens the intellect to the light of the Holy Spirit.
The rosary causes the preacher to enter with Mary most holy
beneath the shadow of the Holy Spirit.
Thus shall Christ come forth:
the blessed fruit of your preaching.
The true preacher of Christ
partakes of the mission of the Archangel Gabriel,
he announces the advent of the Word
and waits upon the soul’s consent
and upon the Word’s new birth by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Preach in this way
and you will glorify the Father.
Preach in this way
until the beauty of Christ’s one Bride, His Church,
begins to shine before your eyes.
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This is utterly Divine!!!
Is this from Saint Vincent Ferrer, or is it your own composition?