Praying with Mother Yvonne-Aimée

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Is this not a lovely photo of the young Yvonne Beauvais? There is a mysterious beauty in the purity of her gaze. Already, she belonged entirely to Jesus. I have long loved the prayer of hers that I translated below. The one line, “Give Thou me what Thou wouldst have me give Thee,” is an assurance of Our Lord’s merciful goodness in those hours and on those days when all I know is my own weakness and poverty.
On January 1, 1926, at the beginning of a year full of uncertainties, Yvonne Beauvais (the future Mother Yvonne-Aimée de Jésus) invoked Saint Michael the Archangel, the glorious prince of the heavenly armies, against the world of darkness. Then, in a surge of faith, she wrote this prayer in a new red notebook:
O Lord Jesus, I surrender myself fully
to all Thy mysterious operations in my soul.
I am nothing and can do nothing without Thee.
Give Thou me what Thou wouldst have me give Thee.
Do Thou in me all that Thou wouldst find in me
so that, out of my nothingness,
Thou mayest draw all the glory and all the love
that Thou hadst in view in creating me.

She added:
I will recite this prayer each day, doing my best to be very abandoned into His divine hands — seeing only Him through my neighbour — Him in the events of each day– Him always and everywhere.


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