Seeking the Intercession of Father Lukas
I am beginning today a novena to Father Lukas Etlin, O.S.B., a monk of Conception Abbey known for his tender devotion to the Mother of God and his ardent devotion to the Most Holy Eucharist. Father Lukas, born in Switzerland in 1864, died on December 16, 1927 in Stanberry, Missouri, as a result of injuries sustained in an automobile accident. Readers of Vultus Christi may want to join me in seeking the intercession of this zealous Benedictine adorer of the Most Blessed Sacrament.
O God, who didst bestow upon Thy faithful servant, Father Lukas Etlin,
a tender love for the Mother of Thy Son,
fervent devotion to the Holy Eucharist,
and apostolic charity for all,
grant us through his intercession graces and favours,
particularly . . .
so that, through manifesting Thy good pleasure in his merits
and in hastening his beatification,
the Church may be enhanced.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
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Pray for my daughter and her family! Amen