Solemnity of Saint Joseph

General Intercessions
That the Holy Catholic Church, entrusted to the protection of Saint Joseph,
may continue to bear witness to the sanctity of human life
from the moment of conception until natural death,
let us entreat the Lord. R. Look upon us, and have mercy.
That bishops and priests may seek the intercession of Saint Joseph to whom God entrusted the safekeeping of the Living Bread from Heaven,
and, like him, learn to trust the Eternal Father, believing in the night, and hoping against hope,
let us entreat the Lord. R. Look upon us, and have mercy.
That the leaders of nations
may turn from the path of destruction, bloodshed, and war,
let us entreat the Lord. R. Look upon us, and have mercy.
That, through the intercession of Saint Joseph,
children may be spared the horrors of war,
refugees comforted in their flight,
and the elderly surrounded with companionship and care,
let us entreat the Lord. R. Look upon us, and have mercy.
That priests living in situations of difficulty, transition, or spiritual struggle
may find in Saint Joseph
a model of faith in the night, obedience in adversity,
chastity in tenderness, and hope in uncertainty,
let us entreat the Lord. R. Look upon us, and have mercy.
That the dying
may experience the nearness of Saint Joseph in their final hour,
and pass, in his company, from darkness to light,
let us entreat the Lord. R. Look upon us, and have mercy.
That it may be given us,
and through the prayer of Saint Joseph,
to accept with faith every displacement, change, or journey
willed or permitted by Divine Providence,
let us entreat the Lord. R. Look upon us, and have mercy.
Almighty and ever-living God,
who led Saint Joseph from one place to another by night,
with no light save that which burned within him,
grant us, we beseech you,
a share in his spirit of trusting obedience,
that accompanied by him in all our journeys,
it may be given us to take comfort in the nearness of your Christ
and of his Virgin Mother,
and to pass, at length, through the mystery of the Cross
into the brightness of the Resurrection.
Through the same Christ our Lord.

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