The Ignatius Press RSV Lectionary
The critique of the NAB Lectionary by Father Neuhaus reminded me that for some time I have wanted to recommend the two volume RSV Lectionary published by Ignatius Press. “The Lectionary has been reviewed and recognized by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments to be in conformity with Liturgiam Authenticam, the Holy See’s recent norms for biblical and liturgical translations. In fact, this Lectionary is the only English-language lectionary presently recognized as conforming to Liturgiam Authenticam. It is also the only English-language lectionary whose text is identical to that found in a published edition of the Bible . The new RSV Lectionary has been approved for use in the Antilles Bishops Conference.” The US Bishops would do well to take a lesson from their brethren in the Antilles.
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Dear Father Mark and Readers:
Your Canadian readers may be interested to know that the RSV Lectionary is still approved for use in Canada. Although the most commonly used lectionary is the NEW RSV translation, which is full of theological and linguistic problems, the Canadian Conference of Bishops has not abolished its previous authorizations; so five different lectionaries are approved for use in Canada.
Several parishes in the Archdiocese of Vancouver have purchased the Ignatius Press RSV Lectionary and it has been very well-received by the faithful. Many other parishes are using other approved versions; the NRSV, though printed in our national missalettes, has been largely rejected in our archdiocese.
With great gratitude for the spiritual riches of Vultus,
Father John