Novena to the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, Day Eight
Your servant, Saint Simon of the Tree Stock, was shown to be another Melodist in praising you and invoking your motherly Protection as the Sovereign Lady of Mount Carmel. Having won your favour, he rejoiced to have his prayers answered by you, his only hope after God. Bowing our heads in praying with him, we too hymn:
Rejoice, Childbearing yet maiden, with none who equals you!
Rejoice, Mother so tender, bestowing your favors on Carmel’s children!
Rejoice, O strong Stem of Jesse, Star of the Sea!
Rejoice, Who bore the Bright Flower!
Rejoice, Purest of Lilies that flowers among thorns!
Rejoice, bringing help to the heart that in weakness turns to you!
Rejoice, Strongest of armor with might invincible!
Rejoice, calling to thee from under your Mantle!
Rejoice, Unfailing counsel to those who trust in you!
Rejoice, O Gentle Mother who in Carmel reigns!
Rejoice, Sharing with your servants the gladness that you gained!
Rejoice, Gate of Heaven, who with glory is now crowned!
Rejoice, O Most Beautiful Flower of Carmel, Splendor of Heaven and Fruitful Vine richly laden with Blossoms Divine!
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Dear Father Mark,
I have just discovered your website – I find it very edifying. Just now I was looking at the novena for the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel – it is so beautiful, and as a tertiary of Carmel, could you tell me if you composed it or where it originated from?
God bless you and thank you,