Novena to the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, Day Seven

Your Son immediately felt His Healing Power go out of him and asked who it was that touched him, even though there were many crowds pressing Him on all sides. Approaching with fear, the woman fell in humility before Him to receive His words of consolation that her faith had restored her health. Joining with her in thanking our Lord, we sing:
Rejoice, for your Mantle of Protection heals with Grace all who touch it with faith!
Rejoice, for the Lord Jesus has wrought many miracles by it to this day!
Rejoice, for by it you strengthen our faith!
Rejoice, for you clothe us with a powerful sign!
Rejoice, for we reach out to your Mantle in hope!
Rejoice, for you never leave us without your help!
Rejoice, for your Mantle resounds in the four corners of the earth!
Rejoice, for its four corners signify the Gospels of your Son!
Rejoice, for its fringes symbolize the dripping Oil of Gladness!
Rejoice, for the Oil of Compunction has bedewed us to the very edges of the garment!
Rejoice, for it is like the dew of Hermon!
Rejoice, for it descends upon the Mountains of Zion where the Lord commanded the
blessing – life forevermore.
Rejoice, O Most Beautiful Flower of Carmel, Splendor of Heaven and Fruitful Vine
richly laden with Blossoms Divine!

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