Novena to the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, Day One
If you want to make a novena ending on the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, begin today.
Your Holy Prophet Elias saw you pre- figured in the light cloud upon which the Heavenly
Dew came down to make fruitful the dryness of our souls. Empowered by the Spirit in
the two-part mantle of your Protection, the prophet calls all to the Holy Mountain of the
Lord, crying:
Rejoice, Summit of Divine Joy!
Rejoice, Height of Heavenly Radiance!
Rejoice, Peak of Holiness and Perfection!
Rejoice, Gentle Cloud on which Christ descended to earth!
Rejoice, Golden Fleece bringing the Dew of Spiritual Refreshment!
Rejoice, Desert Rock flowing with the Waters of Salvation!
Rejoice, Unmovable Wall of Protection!
Rejoice, bestowing on us your Mantle of spiritual defense!
Rejoice, our good defense at the dread judgement seat of Christ!
Rejoice, Never-fading Bloom!
Rejoice, Ever-Fragrant Rose!
Rejoice, Most Pure Lily!
Rejoice, O Most Beautiful Flower of Carmel, Splendor of Heaven and Fruitful Vine
richly laden with Blossoms Divine!
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I’m happy you are back!
Me, too. And I have been looking for that image of Our lady of Mt. Carmel everywhere.
This poor hermit of St. Elias Hermitage begs your prayers.