Blessed Marie–Joseph Cassant
Where His Treasure Was, There Was His Heart
Although it falls on a Sunday this year, for Cistercians and Trappists, June 17th will mark the memorial of Blessed Marie-Joseph Cassant, a Cistercian monk of the Abbey of Sainte-Marie-du-Désert beatified by Pope John Paul II on October 3, 2004. Father Marie-Joseph died on June 17, 1903; he was twenty-five years old. Solemnly professed for three years, he had been a priest for only nine months. From childhood he wanted nothing else. “Where his treasure was, there was his heart also” (cf. Mt 6:21).
The Greatness of the Priesthood
In his last letter to his family, he wrote, “For such a long time we hoped against hope to be able to have the whole family together after my ordination so as to share the joy of being present and receiving Communion together at my first Mass. The good Lord heard our deepest wishes. It now remains to us to thank him and to enter more and more deeply into the greatness of the priesthood. Let us never dare to equate the Sacrifice of the Mass with earthly things.”
An Intercessor
Since 1903 more than 2200 persons from thirty different countries have attested to favours received through the intercession of Father Marie-Joseph. The catalogue of graces attributed to the young monk is impressive: conversions, reconciliations, cures, and comfort in uncertainties and doubts. My friend Father Jacob and I went in pilgrimage to his tomb in 1982 and prayed that both of us might become priests. I was ordained four years later.
Towards La Trappe
Father Marie-Joseph’s road to the priesthood was not an easy one. His parish priest judged him intellectually inadequate for theological studies. After tutoring him for fifteen months in French and Latin, he saw that the young Joseph was not suited for the diocesan seminary. He directed him instead to the Trappe of Sainte-Marie-du-Desert where the monks were ordained to the priesthood after a simpler course of studies, given that they had no pastoral responsibilities or outside ministry.
Thérèse and Marie–Joseph
Joseph entered “Le Desert” on December 5, 1894. Sister Thérèse de l’Enfant Jésus et de la Sainte-Face, five years older than Joseph, had three years left in her Carmel of Lisieux. Their lives were in some ways similar. Although Thérèse had a stronger personality, both were led to find their strength in weakness. “Gladly therefore will I glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may dwell in me” (2 Cor 12:9).
A Victim–Priest
It is significant that Father Marie–Joseph belonged to the “Association of Victim Souls,” a movement of identification with the oblation of the Heart of Jesus, Priest and Victim. Saint Pius X (1835–1914), Blessed Charles de Foucauld (1858–1916), Blessed Columba Marmion (1858–1923), Blessed Jacob Kern (1897–1924), and Blessed Ildefonso Cardinal Schuster (1880–1954), were all members of the same Association. It was established by the Filles du Coeur de Jésus (Daughters of the Heart of Jesus) following the wishes of their foundress, Blessed Marie de Jésus Deluil–Martiny, after her death. As a member of the Association, Father Marie–Joseph prayed, and signed, an Act of Oblation that the rest of his life was to illustrate and consummate.
Ecce venio! Behold, I come, O good and gentlest Jesus,
Divine Lamb perpetually immolated upon our altars
for the salvation of the world.
I want to unite myself to Thee,
suffer with Thee,
and immolate myself like Thee,
in union with the Daughters of the Heart of Jesus.
To this end I offer Thee
the sorrows, humiliations, bitternesses, and crosses
that Thy Providence hath sown beneath my feet.
I offer them to Thee
for the intentions for which Thy most sweet Heart
offereth and immolateth Itself.
May my feeble sacrifice return in a shower of blessings
upon the Church, the Priesthood,
my homeland, and poor sinners, my brethren!
Deign Thou accept it by the hands of Mary Mediatrix
and in union with the immolations of her Immaculate Heart.
Confidence in the Heart of Jesus
Frère Marie-Joseph was timid, fearful, and scrupulous at times, suffering from insecurities. It was by trusting obedience to his Novice Master, Père André Malet, that he began to grow in confidence in the Heart of Jesus. “My grace is sufficient for you: for power is made perfect in infirmity” (2 Cor 12:9). Confidence in the Heart of Jesus became his way. Echoing the words of the psalmist, he called the Eucharist “his one happiness on earth.” “What have I in heaven? And besides you what do I desire upon earth?” (Ps 72:25).
Even in the abbey, theological studies were not easy for Joseph. The monk charged with teaching him often humiliated him publicly for his stupidity, saying, “ You are totally limited! It is useless for you to study. You will not learn any more. To ordain you would be a dishonour to the priesthood.” Father André, his gentle and patient spiritual father, was always there to encourage Father Marie-Joseph, to set him again and again on the path of confidence in the Heart of Jesus.
A Priest Forever
Father Marie-Joseph was ordained on October 12, 1902 at twenty-four and a half years of age. Already tuberculosis was ravaging his young body. His abbot sent him home to his family for seven weeks of rest, hoping that his health might improve, but it was too late for that. Upon returning to the abbey, Father Marie-Joseph was sent to the infirmary. His lungs were irreparably damaged, his breathing difficult. As infirmarian he was given none other than the theology professor who had so harshly berated him.
His Last Communion
Father André remained close to his spiritual son, offering reassurance and comfort, helping him to trust in the love of the Heart of Jesus for him. On June 17, 1903, Father Marie-Joseph received Holy Communion for the last time and, a few moments later, passed into the contemplation of Christ face to face. The beautiful collect composed for his liturgical memorial sums up his life:
O Lord, Glory of the lowly,
who inspired a burning love for the Eucharist in Blessed Joseph Mary,
and led him into the desert through the Heart of Jesus;
grant, we beseech you, that by his intercession and example
we may prefer nothing to Christ,
that he may bring us to life everlasting.
The Mass Was His Life
The memorial of Blessed Marie-Joseph Cassant, falling on the Sunday after the feast of the Sacred Heart and on the day after the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and of Saint Lutgarde, invites us to follow him along the path of confidence in the Heart of Jesus and burning love for the Eucharist. For Blessed Marie-Joseph nothing equaled the Mass; the Mass became his life. At the hour of death his identification with Christ, priest and victim, was complete. Today, through Christ, with Him, and in Him, he makes priestly intercession in heaven for those who ask for it on earth.
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O! I like him, and I love the icon.
Thank you so much for making known the life and example of this holy man. For someone like me who lives with chronic illness and pain, reading about the lives of those who were so immersed in the love of Christ and His Passion gives me strength and courage to persevere in faith. May God bless you for the great witness and encouragement you provide in your website.
Wonderful post. Where can I get a copy of the icon?
Dear Father Cyprian, I don’t know where you might get a copy of the icon. You should perhaps write first to Blessed Marie–Joseph’s abbey, Sainte-Marie-du-Désert. See the link in the post.
+Dear Father,
May God reward you again for your masterful homilies and daily posts which are great nourishment for the soul. Here in the states we are celebrating Father’s Day, so I want to send you my greetings, love and prayer in thanksgiving for you, my spiritual father in Christ. Blessed, grace-filled day!
Dear Father Mark,
Many thanks for your kind response…I will contact the Abbey. I visit your website frequently and enjoy it very much. Keep up the great work,
Father Cyprian
Dear Father Cyprian,
I will be preaching a retreat at St. Birgitta’s, Vikingsborg, in mid-July. Perhaps we could meet at that time. Thank you for your kind comment.
Fr Cyprian,
I would like to get a copy of the Cassant icon, too. Could you arrange for one for me? Since I live in New Haven I can reimburse you for your trouble.
Dear Fr. Mark.
I would enjoy that very much. Please let me know the dates you are in Connecticut.
Thank you so much for reminding us of this very holy man! I too am quite taken with the icon!! Where did you find it??
Dear Purple, I think I found it on the website of the abbey of Sainte-Marie-du-Désert.