Tag: Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Vigil of the Nativity of Mary

A Collect for the Vigil of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary ANT. Crastina die in ascensu diluculi egredietur stella ex Jacob divini luminis...

Christ’s Manifestation in Mary

Stella Ista The fifth antiphon for the Epiphany is a sweet, yet somehow haunting, seventh mode melody. As it is sung again and again, at...

Mary and the Light of the First Day

Light like a Nebula The creation of light on the first day, three days before the creation of the sun, exerts a certain fascination upon...

The Presignation of Mary in the Old Law

September 1, O Radius ANT. O Radius divinæ claritatis, candor lucis æternæ, splendidior sole lumineque pulchrior, Virgo Maria! Noli tardare, cito veni, et illumina mentes...