Christ’s Manifestation in Mary
Stella Ista The fifth antiphon for the Epiphany is a sweet, yet somehow haunting, seventh mode melody. As it is sung again and again, at...
The Blessed Virgin Mary Compared to the Moon
September 5, O Luna Tota Pulchra ANT. O Luna tota pulchra et sine macula, semper gratia et gloria plena! Luna perfecta in æternum! Luna splendidissima...
Mary and the Light of the First Day
Light like a Nebula The creation of light on the first day, three days before the creation of the sun, exerts a certain fascination upon...
The Blessed Virgin, Holy in the Womb of St. Anne
September 3, O Ignis ANT. O Ignis effulgens et inextinguibilis! Ignis inflammans et illuminans! Ignis divinæ caritatis, qui in utero lates beatissimæ Annæ! Veni, appare...
The Deifying Light and Mary, the Mount of God
The Deifying Light Selection of the Rule of St. Benedict for January 2, May 3, September 2 Let us arise, therefore, at long last, at...