12 October, Votive Mass of the Most Holy Eucharist
O God, Who under a wonderful Sacrament, hast left unto us whereby to show forth Thy Suffering Death, grant unto us, we beseech Thee, so...
11 October, Mass of Blessed John XXIII, Pope
ENTRANCE ANTIPHON MR The Lord chose him to be a high priest unto Himself, and opening His treasury, made him abound in every good. COLLECT...
Thou Discernest My Thoughts From Afar
I am preaching today not on the Gospel (Luke 10:38–42), but on the Responsorial Psalm. All the same, I wanted to post this marvelous painting...
10 October, Monthly Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit
On May 18, 1874, the Carmelite Blessed Mary of Jesus Crucified (1846–1878) beheld a chalice streaming with light and a dove. From the light she...
The Face That Changes Us
MONDAY OF THE TWENTY–SEVENTH WEEK OF THE YEAR II Galatians 1:6–12 Psalm 110:1–2, 7–8, 9 and 10c (R. 5b) Luke 10:25–37 Today’s Gospel, the parable...