The Humble Prayer of Repetition
I have wanted for some time to write again about the grace of the prayer of repetition. Today a God–seeking soul shared with me that...
12 December, Our Lady of Guadalupe
In this 17th century Mexican painting, the Virgin of Guadalupe intercedes for the soul depicted under the form of little child. Saved by the intercession...
Ab initio, et ante saecula creata sum
At the beginning of time, before the world was, I was created, and to all eternity I shall not cease to be (Ecclus 24:14). How...
Our Lady in Advent
The presence of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the liturgy of Advent is like the fragrance of roses in December. Mary is everywhere, drawing us...
11 December, Monday of the Second Week of Advent
The Communion Antiphon of today’s Mass merits close attention. The text is borrowed from the Divine Office where it serves as the Magnificat Antiphon at...