The Reign of the Bambino
It is customary in Rome, and elsewhere in Italy, to keep the presepe (Nativity scene) up until the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord...
Marcella: The Glory of the Ladies of Rome
Today is not only the feast of Saint John Bosco, the gentle spiritual father of countless children and young people, it is also the feast...
Thank you, Sister Emmanuel!
Thanks to the skill and generosity of Sister M. Emmanuel, A.S.C.J. of Mount Sacred Heart in Hamden, Connecticut, I was able to transport the icon...
An Icon Inspired by Pope John Paul II: The Virgin Mother, Adorer of the Eucharistic Face of Christ
More than one reader asked for a fuller explanation of the icon of the Virgin Mother, Adorer of the Eucharistic Face of Christ. The following...
Update from Don Marco
Dear friends, No internet connection yet! Things take a very long time in Rome. Workers were here for one day last week to begin threading...