Reading the Signs
Tuesday of the Sixth Week of the Year I Mark 8:14–21 Unintelligence My French Bible subtitles today’s passage from Saint Mark: “The Unintelligence of the...
Vultus Christ Nominated in Six Categories
Yes, in six categories. I can hardly believe it. The 2007 nominations of Vultus Christi are in the following categories: Best Blog by Clergy/Religious/Seminarian Best...
Praying for One’s Enemies
The first time I said this prayer of mine publicly was during a homily on 17 May 2006. After Holy Mass I offered copies of...
Sin Crouching at the Door
Monday of the Sixth Week of the Year I Genesis 4:1–15, 25 Cain’s Fallen Countenance The Sacred Liturgy sends us today to Chapter 4 of...
A Ray of Light In Brighton, U.K.
I am so impressed by Father Ray Blake’s reflections on celebrating Holy Mass ad orientem that instead of sending my readers over to his excellent...