Fourth Day of the Novena
The fourth day of our novena coincides with the beginning of Holy Lent. At the beginning of his religious life Saint Gabriel of the Addolorata...
Let Dawn Our Darkened Spirits Bless
Turner’s “Sunrise” is, I think, the perfect illustration of our Lenten Lauds Hymn, Jam, Christe, Sol Iustitiae. The Lengthening Day Lent is a lovely word....
Third Day of the Novena
Today is the third day of our novena to Saint Gabriel of the Addolorata. At the Mass of the Holy Face we will be reading...
Second Day of the Novena
A word from Saint Gabriel of the Addolorata: Love Mary!… She is lovable, faithful, constant. She will never let herself be outdone in love, but...
And He Arose
Monday of the Seventh Week of the Year I Mark 9:14–29 A Tormented Child Today’s Gospel recounts the deliverance of a boy tormented by an...