First Friday of Lent
I heard a frightful amount of banging about outside my cell during the work period this morning. “The postulants are moving furniture again,” I thought,...
Sixth Day of the Novena
On December 30, 1861 Saint Gabriel of the Addolorata , who was twenty-three years old at the time, wrote these lines to his brother Michele....
Friday After Ash Wednesday Isaiah 58:1-9a Psalm 50: 3-4, 5-6ab, 18-19 Matthew 9:14-15 Holy Fasting Today the prophet Isaiah puts a question to God: “Why...
Wondrous Hidden God
Yearning, I adore you, wondrous hidden God, Living Bread by bread concealed, speaking heart to heart. Give me now the faith that sees darkly through...
Fifth Day of the Novena
Following the same evocative rite used by Saint Gabriel of the Addolorata in 1857, young Indonesian Passionists making their First Profession are symbolically crowned with...