Rosary With the Holy Father
Tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI will lead university students and young people from all over Europe in praying the Holy...
Three Connecticut Natives and Saint Francesca Romana
The Monastery of Tor De’ Specchi of the Benedictine Oblates of Saint Francesca Romana is open to the public but one day a year on...
Io vado in paradiso
I must have been in fourth grade when, thanks to Sister Mary Clara’s school library, I discovered The Life of Saint Dominic Savio by Saint...
Thursday: A Weekly Festival of Corpus Domini
Every Thursday in our choir chapel (located on the second floor of the monastery and just behind the organ chamber of the Basilica) we have...
Cistercian Martyrs of England
I was deeply moved when the martyrology for today, March 8th, was read in Chapter. Hearing the names of these English Cistercian martyrs read out...