Pope Benedict XVI on Reparation
At a February 22, 2007 meeting of the Roman clergy with Pope Benedict XVI, Don Alberto Pacini, Rector of the Basilica of Sant’Anastasia, spoke of...
Ecce Agnus Dei
For Sidney Some time ago, a remarkable young man named Sidney wrote me from Brazil to ask for a blessed Agnus Dei. I promised him...
Liberator Meus
O blessed Passion of Christ! We contemplate Thee bound to the column of Thy cruel scourging and praise Thee with sorrowing love because by the...
Ciao, Paolo!
Paul Zalonksi of New Haven, Connecticut recently finished a month long experience of monastic life at Santa Croce in Gerusalemme. While here he helped prepare...
And Healing to the Wounded Grant
Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Lent Numbers 21: 4–9 Psalm 101: 1–2, 5–17, 18–20 (R. 1) John 8: 21–30 The Serpent and the Cross...