Ecce quam bonum et quam jucundum

Last week this distinguished group of clergy bloggers met for discussion and refreshment in the piazza del Pantheon. From right to left: Michael, seminarian at...

Pax Domini Sit Semper Vobiscum

Fifth Tuesday of Paschaltide Acts 14:19-28 Psalm 144:10-11, 12-13ab, 21 John 14:27-31a My Peace I Give to You Today’s Gospel gives us the very words...

Happy Anniversary, Monsignor!

Thirty–Seven Years of Mass I am dedicating this special entry to my friend Monsignor Arthur Burton Calkins on the 37th anniversary of his ordination to...

And I Will Manifest Myself to Him

Fifth Monday of Paschaltide Acts 14:5–18 Psalm 113B:1–2, 3–4, 15–16 (R.1ab) John 14:21–26 Grateful to Saint Jude We are grateful to the Apostle Saint Jude...