Sunrise at Saint–Loup-sur–Aujon
Bonjour, tout le monde!
Bonjour, tout le monde. Je m’appelle Jean et j’habite tout près du monastère Saint–Benoît à Nans–sous–Sainte–Anne dans le Jura français. Je suis allé à la...
Turn Your Eyes to the Virgin
I more or less promised Our Lady that I would offer something in her honour on Vultus Christi every day during the month of May....
To France
I leave early tomorrow morning for la doulce France via Geneva. I will be giving some conferences in two monasteries of the Benedictines of Jesus...
Thy Eyes Are as Doves’ Eyes
Thou hast wounded my heart, my sister, my spouse, thou hast wounded my heart with one of thy eyes (Ct 4:9). Oblates’ Pilgrimage to Santa...