He Who Prays Learns Hope
A first essential setting for learning hope is prayer. When no one listens to me any more, God still listens to me. When I can...
Spes Nostra, Salve!
The Holy Father’s Encyclical Spe Salvi ends in a splendid prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Spes Nostra, Our Hope. One of the high points...
Où donc est ta demeure?
A number of years ago, I composed music for a French Office hymn for the feast of Saint Andrew. It was a feastday gift for...
All Saints Day Homily
I took this photo of the sacred relics of the saints exposed in the monastery chapel after Second Vespers of All Saints. At Holy Mass...
November: Praying For the Holy Souls
It must have been forty years ago — or more — that I opened the Latin-English missal published by the Abbey of Saint-André-de Bruges and...