Stirring Up the Power of God

Friday of the First Week of Advent Isaiah 29: 17-24 Psalm 26: 1, 4, 13-14 Matthew 9:27-31 Stir Up Today’s Collect, addressed to Our Lord...

Lest We Faint in the Way

First Wednesday of Advent Isaiah 25:6-10a Psalm 22: 1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 Matthew 15:29-37 The Eucharist The liturgy of the Wednesday of the First Week...


Tuesday of the First Week of Advent Isaiah 11:1-10 Psalm 71: 1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17 Luke 10:21-24 Today’s Saints We celebrate the Holy Mysteries today...

And A Little Child Shall Lead Them

I posted this homily last year, but decided to offer it anew this Advent. Both Dom Vital Léhodey and Mère Yvonne-Aimée de Jésus continue to...