Irish Catholic Kvetch
Saint Patrick’s Day Secularized I wanted to buy a few cards for Saint Patrick’s Day to send to family and friends both in Ireland and...
I Will Not Be Forgetful of Thee
Wednesday Within the Fourth Week of Lent Isaiah 49:8-15 John 5:17-30 An Inward Quickening In every single line of today’s prophecy from Isaiah, there is...
And Many Have Wondered at Him
February 27 is also the feast of the young Passionist Saint Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin, known in the world as Francesco Possenti. He is...
Close to the Heart of Jesus
Blessed Marie de Jésus Deluil Martiny was the “First Zelatrice”, or promoter, of the Guard of Honour of the Sacred Heart. The Work was founded...
In Spiritu Humilitatis
Tuesday Within the Third Week of Lent Daniel 3:25–43 Matthew 18:21–35 Azarias Found Utterance Look for a moment at the context of today’s First Reading:...