This is the image of Saint Tarcisius that I brought back with from the catacombs of San Sebastiano in Rome. Back in the 1950s and...
Keeping Company With Mary
Another Joseph Reading the Martyrology this morning I discovered that today is the dies natalis of Saint Hermann Joseph, one of my cherished heavenly friends...
Tamquam faciem angeli
Third Monday of Pascha Acts 6:8–15 John 6:22–29 Like the Face of an Angel Saint Luke describes Saint Stephen as having a face like that...
And the First Saturday
The Marian Dimension of the Death of John Paul II In speaking last week of the holy death of the Servant of God John Paul...
Beata Maria in Resurrectione Domini
In how many places will the Mass of Beata Maria in Resurrectione Domini be celebrated tomorrow? The proper texts of the Mass are found in...