And Tasting of His Roseate Blood

Saint Catherine of Siena Virgin and Doctor of the Church The Precious Blood The image — and the adorable mystery — of the Precious Blood...

Saint George and the Dragon

Venerated in East and West April 23rd is the feast of Saint George the Martyr. In the reformed Roman Missal he is honoured with an...

See that God Has Shown Us His Face

Last Thursday, 18 April 2008, Pope Benedict XVI spoke at the Ecumenical Prayer Service held in Saint Joseph’s Church in New York City. Tomorrow the...

Turn to Jesus

With my morning coffee: reflections on the homily given by the Holy Father yesterday in Yankee Stadium. The subtitles and comments in italics are my...

Holy Father to Young People

What an extraordinary discourse this is! After sharing his the experience of his own youth marked by conflict and suffering, the Holy Father presented the...