Our Lady of America

A very dear priest friend and I were discussing the place given to the Blessed Virgin Mary during the Holy Father’s recent Apostolic Journey to...

Veneremur Christi Vultum

Vultus Christi reader Bailey Walker was kind enough to point out that Dominicans are keeping the feast of Saint Vincent Ferrer today. The Proper Invitatory...

Setting An Example

Yesterday was the First Saturday of the month of May. Our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI gave an edifying example of pastoral zeal to all...

Quaesivi Vultum Tuum

Seventh Sunday of Paschaltide Sunday of the Holy Face of Christ The Most Holy Face of Christ is celebrated on various days of the liturgical...

The Pentecost Novena

We began the Solemn Pentecost Novena this morning at the Monastery of the Glorious Cross by singing the Veni, Creator Spiritus at the end of...