Mariological Teachings of Pope Benedict XVI
The Mariological teachings of the Holy Father are, more often than not, enshrined in carefully crafted homilies. He delights us both by the delicacy of...
Quaerere Deum
Pope Benedict XVI Collège des Bernardins, Paris 12 September 2008 The Holy Father’s discourse today at the Collège des Bernardins (a familiar way of referring...
If the Hurricanes of Temptation Rise Against Thee
The picture is a detail of Corrado Giaquinto’s Nascita della Vergine (1732). His Maria Bambina is one of the loveliest I have ever seen. Saint...
The Earlier Mysteries of the Blessed Virgin Mary
For some years now, especially around the Marian feasts of September 8th, September 12th, November 21st, and December 8th, I have prayed my rosary while...
Today: Pray and Fast for the Christians of Orissa
The violent persecution of Christians in Orissa, India, remains largely ignored in the American media. AsiaNews offers ongoing coverage of the tragedy. For the liturgical...