Confidens de adiutorio Dei (LXVIII)
CHAPTER LXVIII. If a Brother be commanded to do Impossibilities26 Apr. 26 Aug. 26 Dec. If on any brother there be laid commands that are...
Christmasstide Schedule
Of the Order of the Community (LXIII)
CHAPTER LXIII. Of the Order of the Community 18 Apr. 18 Aug. 18 Dec. Let everyone keep that place in the Monastery, which the time...
Dies Natalis of Father Lukas Etlin, O.S.B.
A Friend in Heaven December 16th, is the dies natalis (heavenly birthday) of the Servant of God, Father Lukas Etlin, O.S.B., a monk of Conception...
Let not your heart be disturbed
Let nothing frighten or grieve you, let not your heart be disturbed, do not fear any sickness or anguish. Am I not here, who am...