By the help of His grace (Prologue 6)
6 Jan. 7 May. 6 Sept. Since then, brethren, we have asked of the Lord who is to inhabit His temple, we have heard His...
The Lord who waits for us daily (Prologue 5)
5 Jan. 6 May. 5 Sept.
Hence also the Lord saith in the Gospel: “He that heareth these words of Mine, and doeth them, is...
Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton: A Eucharistic Saint
January 4 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Widow and Religious William Magee Seton gave this lithograph of Christ the Redeemer to his beloved wife, Elizabeth Ann...
Who is the man that will have life? (Prologue 3)
3 Jan. 4 May. 3 Sept. And the Lord, seeking His own workman in the multitude of the people to whom He thus crieth out,...
Exsurgamus ergo (Prologue 2)
2 Jan. 3 May. 2 Sept. Let us then at length arise, since the Scripture stirreth us up, saying: It is time now for us...